Wednesday 22 August 2012

Charles Sturt University- Assessment 3 part 1

Hello world!

Back again! I know it's been a while, but as I've said, I'm not really a blog person....not at the moment anyway. What's brought me back this time is to do with blogging about assessments at uni. Yes, that's right! I have made it into Charles Sturt University at Wagga Wagga at the moment. Hoping to get a Bachelor of Arts (Graphic Design) by the end of October!

Anyways, just wanted to blog about some assessments I have been doing. Below is the first version of a sexual health poster I have been designing. Feedback found that it was very constrictive and too busy, with no hierarchy.

Below is the final design for the sexual heath poster I came up with. While feedback found that it needed to be taken further, I still believe it has been somewhat resolved.

I don't want to make these blog posts too long, so I will post some further blogs within the next few days. Cheers everyone, it's good to be back. Talk soon.

Joshua Forrester

Thursday 2 June 2011

Professional photo shoot

So, 1 thing I've been forgetting to mention is that I got the chance to have a professional photo shoot at CIT because I need a professional photo for my personal website. :-) :-) Was good fun!!! :-) :-) Some photos for reference. :-) :-) Now I just need to pick one to go with my personal


Wednesday 1 June 2011

Personal Website

Hello again,

as I've been saying, everything is steaming ahead and the end of the semester is fast approaching! What I would like to go into this time is the layout and content for my personal website. I have included some links to a couple of personal websites that inspire me and that I would like to base my layout from. Both these websites portray a personal desk layout situation and this is what intrigues me, and the layout I would like to combine in mine the most.

I've also started designing my personal desk items to go into my website. Below is my hard drive that I've created. I'm currently working on my mobile phone (Nokia E63). Cheers.

Tuesday 31 May 2011

Just some inspiration...

Hi all,

just some late night/early morning inspiration. :-) :-) Was looking through some of my previous design artwork and came across the enhancement assessment I had done in semester 1 in the subject Image Scanning. I couldn't go past the flaming guitar rock and roll image I created. This is one of my works that I have to say I'm most proud of through my experience at CIT. Anyways, enjoy!!! I'll be posting again about my personal website, etc, soon. Cheers.


Monday 16 May 2011

Finished website/graphic overlay for canberra promotion video, etc.

Hi everyone,

everything is soldiering through. End of the Semester is getting closer so quick!!!

First of all I would like to share my finished website that I spoke about in my last blog. All in all I was pleased with how it turned out. Below is a screen shot of the "sun" page to illustrate how I set out my text images, etc. It also shows the body (the outside area) of the website and how I used a gradient.

Second I would like to show you my graphic overlay that I have created to go with my Canberra Promotional video. See below.

As you can see, the main graphic element is at the top and this will start on the first frame of the video and fade out as the content comes in. Below this I've duplicated the three leave shapes and plan to use them as a corner element running through the whole time of the video.

Just another thing I'd like to bring up is the design for the poster for the CIT FAT (Film and Television) Awards. In Design Studio a project we were asked to complete was a poster design for these FAT awards. We had three topics to focus on as part of the theme, and I chose the topic "students and creativity." I ended up producing two designs that were put forward for consideration. I've included them below. Enjoy!!! Talk again soon. :-) :-)

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Website update/song for canberra promotion video

Hello again,

a lot has been happening since I last posted. I also come back from a 1.5-2 week break. The main area I want to focus on today is an update on the Solar System website I'm creating that's due this week. Our brief is to create a website that includes a page for each planet of the Solar System. The stage I am up to is I have created the structured site layout in photoshop (this is basically a page that has all the elements that will be continued across the whole of the site. e.g. The header, side bar and footer.), and I'm ready to slice it up and transfer it into Dreamweaver. This will make the loading of the page easier when it is up on the internet because it will come in as smaller parts rather than one large part, and it will also be faster. Anyways, I've attached a jpg of the layout so you can see the design side....

    Also, I just wanted to touch on how I'm going with the song for my Canberra promotional video (we need to base this song around the whole video because of things like the beat, etc). So far I'm thinking of going with a song called "this land" from The Lion King. This is an instrumental piece and I think it would work well with my Canberra video. However, I need to run this through Roy, so I'll let you know how it goes. Talk soon.


Joshua Forrester

Sunday 3 April 2011

AFP Missing Persons Assessment

Today is Monday the 4th of April. For the past few weeks I have been working on my assessment for the AFP Missing Persons Week. I have come up with the concept of having one hand print with no fill colour as the missing person's handprint, and blue-coloured hand prints around this one handprint in the shape of a circle to illustrate the people impacted when the person goes missing. In some of the hand prints, I've created a negative space of different symbols to illustrate the kind of people affected. Anyways, pictures say more then words, so I've included some pictures of the poster, magnet and keyring that we had to do. Please note the project is still going (due this friday), so I might be making some last minute changes to it. Will let you know how I go. Cheers.