Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Website update/song for canberra promotion video

Hello again,

a lot has been happening since I last posted. I also come back from a 1.5-2 week break. The main area I want to focus on today is an update on the Solar System website I'm creating that's due this week. Our brief is to create a website that includes a page for each planet of the Solar System. The stage I am up to is I have created the structured site layout in photoshop (this is basically a page that has all the elements that will be continued across the whole of the site. e.g. The header, side bar and footer.), and I'm ready to slice it up and transfer it into Dreamweaver. This will make the loading of the page easier when it is up on the internet because it will come in as smaller parts rather than one large part, and it will also be faster. Anyways, I've attached a jpg of the layout so you can see the design side....

    Also, I just wanted to touch on how I'm going with the song for my Canberra promotional video (we need to base this song around the whole video because of things like the beat, etc). So far I'm thinking of going with a song called "this land" from The Lion King. This is an instrumental piece and I think it would work well with my Canberra video. However, I need to run this through Roy, so I'll let you know how it goes. Talk soon.


Joshua Forrester

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