Wednesday 22 August 2012

Charles Sturt University- Assessment 3 part 1

Hello world!

Back again! I know it's been a while, but as I've said, I'm not really a blog person....not at the moment anyway. What's brought me back this time is to do with blogging about assessments at uni. Yes, that's right! I have made it into Charles Sturt University at Wagga Wagga at the moment. Hoping to get a Bachelor of Arts (Graphic Design) by the end of October!

Anyways, just wanted to blog about some assessments I have been doing. Below is the first version of a sexual health poster I have been designing. Feedback found that it was very constrictive and too busy, with no hierarchy.

Below is the final design for the sexual heath poster I came up with. While feedback found that it needed to be taken further, I still believe it has been somewhat resolved.

I don't want to make these blog posts too long, so I will post some further blogs within the next few days. Cheers everyone, it's good to be back. Talk soon.

Joshua Forrester

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