Sunday 27 February 2011

28/02/2011- Audio Podcast Assessment

For my audio podcast assessment I am required to produce a 60 second interview with another person and any other sounds or music that may enhance the communication of my project. The topic should be on a current youth issue that may affect me as a student at CIT, or a topic or subject you have some experience or expertise in.

I have decided to do my podcast on First Aid related material (something that I'm passionate about), specifically the St John DRABCD Action Plan. Sounds I could possibly incorporate......CPR being performed? Music relating to first aid?  Also.....who to interview???? Random person to see if they know first aid???? First Aid Instructor????

Will further investigate these and post the outcome. :-)

P.S. I've included a link to a PDF outlining the St John DRABCD Action Plan-!!!!

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