Thursday, 2 June 2011

Professional photo shoot

So, 1 thing I've been forgetting to mention is that I got the chance to have a professional photo shoot at CIT because I need a professional photo for my personal website. :-) :-) Was good fun!!! :-) :-) Some photos for reference. :-) :-) Now I just need to pick one to go with my personal


Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Personal Website

Hello again,

as I've been saying, everything is steaming ahead and the end of the semester is fast approaching! What I would like to go into this time is the layout and content for my personal website. I have included some links to a couple of personal websites that inspire me and that I would like to base my layout from. Both these websites portray a personal desk layout situation and this is what intrigues me, and the layout I would like to combine in mine the most.

I've also started designing my personal desk items to go into my website. Below is my hard drive that I've created. I'm currently working on my mobile phone (Nokia E63). Cheers.